Happy chickens
The older chicks from the first shipment, and the guineas, have been in the new coop for a few days now. They've had to stay inside because we did not yet have any fencing up around the coop to keep them contained and keep other things out. However, today was their big day. We finished putting up the 4 foot fence last night, and today I added the chicken wire to the inside all around the bottom. This is to keep the smaller chicks from simply running through the 2 x 3 inch holes in the fence mesh. It also reinforces the bottom a bit which may help keep at least the neighbors' cats from pushing their way underneath.
Anyhoo, once that was done and I'd also added chicken wire around the bottom of the coop to keep the chicks from running underneath, I opened the chicken door and waited to see who would be the first one out.
They were not in a hurry. I went inside. I came out later. There was ONE chick outside, peeping loudly. It was the NH Red chick, and I herded her back towards the coop from the fence corner she seemed to have gotten herself mentally stuck in. I went back inside. I came out again later. TWO chicks were now out, the first one plus the brown speckled chick (who's breed I'm not sure of). They were behind the coop pecking and scratching. I went back inside and came out later, yet again. The two chicks were back around the front by the chicken door. I had put a feeder outside but they apparently hadn't seen it, so I moved it a little closer to them and gave it a shake, and suddenly they realized what it was and came running. And, three of the broiler chicks saw it and came tumbling out the door and that was the beginning. Soon most of the broilers were outside discovering how to be real chickens. They pecked at the grass, and bits of dirt, and ran around flapping, and generally a good time was had by all.
This is the coop sans fence:
"Should I or shouldn't I?"
Not sure what this one is either.
The broiler chick and the NH Red chick seen here are the same age!
Everyone enjoying the day.