Orange's lambs
Monday I came home at lunch to check on Orange. We knew she was getting close to lambing time, and as a first timer we hoped she wouldn't have any problems. When I got home, I sat for a while watching her, and it was clear that she was in the beginning stages of labor. She would shift her weight back and forth on her hind feet, paw the ground, lay down and stand up again, and sometimes lift her tail and strain for a few seconds. But she was also chewing her cud calmly, and when I brought out some hay, she came to get her share. So I went back to work, hoping for the best.
When we got home we went immediately to check on her, and there were two new ewe lambs, one black and one moorit, and the moorit was just starting to walk and was still pretty wet. She lambed with no problem at all. We didn't get pictures until the next day, but here they are: