The first few days...
The sheep arrived on Saturday, early evening, after we picked them up in Dansville, NY, about 90 miles from us. They traveled pretty well in our homebuilt trailer, even with it being a rainy day. We made rail sides and a top to fit our 4x7 utility trailer. There are sections for the sides and front that bolt onto the trailer and to each other, and then the top bolts on to the side panels. The utility trailer's gate serves to close up the back.
So we backed the trailer through the gate, and opened it up. They all stood in the trailer for a few minutes, pondering this new situation. But then the lure of green grass and forage overcame their hesitation, and Rose jumped down, quickly followed by the rest. The next few minutes were taken up with furious eating. You would think they hadn't just been munching hay in the trailer, and previous to that had had access to quite a large pasture. So they ate, and ate, and ate....
They quickly learned that the red scoop and rattling in the galvanized feeder pans means grain. Seriously, within 24 hours they were expecting grain every time they saw someone, even the neighbors! We only give grain once a day, in the evening, but that doesn't matter. Rose will follow you anywhere if she thinks you might have a treat.
So things seem to be going well so far. Stay tuned...