Waiting for lambs
First lambs are due in a little over a week. Ken and I had planned a short two night stay in a B&B not too far away, for our anniversary, back before breeding season and before we knew that Cozette would be due the same week. We cancelled our B&B plans because there was no way we'd be able to relax, worrying about whether Cozette was lambing or not. This will be her first lambing as well as ours, so it didn't seem like a good idea to go away, even if it was only a 45 minute drive. We're still taking vacation that week though - I'm taking the whole week and Ken is taking part of it. Hopefully everything will go well, but I've been stocking up on things that might be needed if they don't.
After Cozette, I'm not sure who will be next. Penny, Rose, and Orange are all due about mid-April, and Quinn, if she's pregnant, would be due at the end of April. Quinn is playing with us, making us think one day she is pregnant and the next day she's not. I'm leaning towards that she is, but I'll probably change my mind again.
Right at the moment, we are having a huge thunderstorm. It's been alternating between downpours and showers, and the water is rapidly rising in the ditches. We had gotten the chicken yard and part of the pasture successfully pumped out, and then today's rain undid all that in just a few hours. And now the heavy rain is coming down and it's really getting flooded around here. The next four days are supposed to be clear and warm, which is good news.
The radar says the system is almost past us now. Good thing, because otherwise we might have wanted to start building an ark. But I guess that's not going to be necessary.