Woodshed, coop, and hay shelter
Ken's parents have been visiting, and while here they have been helping us get our leftover firewood from last year restacked in the new woodshed. This was not as simple as just moving the old stack to the woodshed. Much of the wood was from a couple of cords that we had bought last year. Our woodstove will only take 17 inch lengths max, and a lot of it was in lengths of 18 - 22 inches or so. And much of it was in huge chunks that would be too unwieldy to load in the stove and those needed to be split. That meant sorting the too-long and too-thick ones out and dealing with them. So, I was sorting and stacking, Ken's dad was manning the bandsaw, Ken's mom was marking the pieces to be cut and helping to stack, and Ken was splitting the pieces that were too thick. Then there was a pile of small-diameter stuff that just needed stacking, for the most part, but some longer lengths that needed to be cut down. It took about a day and a half but finally it was done.
We also built a new coop this summer. It's been done and has been inhabited for several weeks by our new batch of laying pullets, but I hadn't taken any photos of it after getting it painted. Here are a couple.
And this was the other project we started today after finishing with the woodpile. This is the roof frame of what will be our new hay shelter. We bought the kit from ShelterLogic. It's 12W x 24L x 11H at the peak. This is as far as we got this afternoon. Tomorrow we put the legs on it, anchor it, and get the cover on.... I hope!