Ewes gone wild!
The ewes have all been sheared, as of last weekend. Let me tell you, Icelandics are squirrelly critters. They simply refuse to sit still. When we sheared Flint a few weeks back, it was a bit easier because he's still only half-grown, and I could basically overpower him until he wore himself out wiggling and sat there. But the ewes are bigger, and stronger, and only Cozette actually stayed pretty calm while I sheared her belly. We ended up tipping them on their backsides to do their bellies, and then let them stand up and Ken held their heads while I sheared the rest. That seemed to work much better and even Orange was cooperative.
Flint was isolated in the paddock a ways off, and I think he was laughing...
So now all the ewes are naked and cavorting around the pasture making eyes at Flint.
Here's some pics of the ewes and their new hay feeder.
1 comment
Comment from: Elayne Tingey

With your approval I would like to have someone build this wonderful feeder for me.
If you have plans that would be helpful, but I think I can see by the pictures how to build it.
Thanks, I love your site, did you build it? Elayne