Comment from: Roger Crassi

Hey Karen… Thanks so much for your comments at my blog! It’s so much fun learning more about our place here and of course, I had to dash out the back door after I read what you said about the 1939 being in the cement at the barn. :) I found it! Surprised I didn’t see it before and I’ll have to point it out to Tom who also loves that sort of thing. Thanks for all the other information–the car out in the barn, etc… I really do love knowing all those details! I’d thought for sure you and Ken had remodeled the bathroom–seems like your real estate agent told us that. Oh, and thanks for removing the shower doors–I hate those, too! Especially in such a *small* bathtub (oh my… do they *make* them any smaller? I doubt it). :) I would have felt so very claustrophobic in there with those shower doors.
I am so enjoying reading your blog! In fact, I think I read the entire thing yesterday–just couldn’t stop. It reads very much like a book (you’re a great writer!) and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. :) Keep up the good work! I’ve sent a couple people so far over here and I know they will enjoy reading about your adventures, too.
Oh! And thanks for your part in clearing the back meadow here. That’s my favorite place and every day I’m out there picking up sticks so it can be mowed more easily (a friend of ours mowed it with his tractor to get it under control and now it’s up to me to keep it that way). We hope to put a screened gazebo out there as a quiet getaway for us and our guests. In fact, if you and Ken are ever back out here please stop by (with your parents, too, if you’d like) and we can all sit back there and share more stories. We’d love that. Oh, and I’d love for you to see the floors–they are so beautiful in-person. Blessings, Debra
Comment from: karen

Debra, we didn’t see the “1939″ for quite a while! It was only when we were finishing putting up the new barn doors (which I think was in 2005), in the dark, with the worklight on and the light just happened to shadow the numbers so that they stood out.
Comment from: karen

Dad, no thanks on the creeping charlie - we have it! Luckily it does not grow too fast here as the soil is not quite as fertile.
Hey, if you do not have a “native” form of “creeping charlie,” I’d be happy to help you introduce it to your New England area :-) No flowers, but cute little scalloped leaves! And in return, send me some of these samples. They are beautiful!