Comment from: karen

I understand what you’re saying Debra, I really do. There is a fine line however, and in my mind, they crossed it. Maybe I’m too territorial, or overly protective of my animals. But I’m not running a petting zoo. Now, if they had walked down the road and up the driveway and politely asked if they could see the sheep with their daughter, I would have been happy to take them over to see them, and would not have been upset if the man had decided to “BAA” at them then. But, they did not ask permission, and I think the fact that they climbed down off the wall when they saw me watching them says a lot. If they had stayed in my neighbor’s yard and done their “baa-ing” that would have been different too. As I said, it’s a fine line, but to me an important one.
I’ll tell you another story. We have a right-of-way through the property for the man who owns the property behind us. He was having some logging done. One day, one of his friends buzzed through in her SUV with two big pit bull-type dogs in the back. She went to his property and pulled into his log yard, and one of the dogs jumped out the window and started sniffing around (I found out later he nearly bit the logger). She then got the dog back in the car, and started driving back out. She stopped her car at the closest point to the sheep paddock, and let her dogs bark and growl ferociously out the passenger side windows at them. I came up on the driver’s side and said “HELLO” rather loudly. I was not projecting much of the friendly farmer at this point, I’m afraid. She started talking about how her dogs had never seen “wildlife” before and how they were so excited (I thinking, yes, I can see that they would like to rip the heads off my sheep - can you?), and then asked a couple questions about the sheep, which I answered briefly in a monotone, while staring coldly at her dogs, who were now barking and growling ferociously out the driver’s side windows at me. She left fairly quickly. She’s been back a few times since, but notably without her dogs.
I realize not everyone sees farm animals on a daily basis. I know they are curious and that’s great. But, for some reason some people seem to lose their common sense and knowledge of common courtesies and I don’t know why this should be. I guess it’s one of the great mysteries of life. :)
Actually? Sheep are a novelty to most people, something they do not encounter everyday, unlike dogs. Something people (like me) travel to petting farms to visit and pat on the head and watch and smile at. If I was visiting friends who lived nextdoor to sheep I would have probably done a bit of baa-ing, myself, as I’ve done at petting zoos (and watched others do). I didn’t find that man’s behavior odd at all, for farms are lovely things to be shared with suburbanites, I think. (And I also understand shyness with people, but comfort with animals. Alas.) :) Blessings, Debra