Snow, lovely snow
The big "winter event" came through our region starting yesterday afternoon and continuing through today. I thought for sure that my workplace would be shut down, especially as they had sent out an email with the phone number to call to check on the plant status (open or closed). But no such luck. Everyone called the number this morning but the recording said "today is December 5th, and the plant is OPEN", so apparently they didn't even bother to update it. Most of the schools in the area were closed, of course. The ride to work this morning was sloooow, and visibility was poor. We saw more than one vehicle in a ditch.
Where we live the snow was heavier than in the Buffalo area and suburbs. We are close to Lake Ontario which has not frozen over, so there was some lake effect added to the main system. We came home to a snowbank at the end of the driveway and slightly less than a foot of new snow. In total, we must have gotten over a foot in the last day, but the wind pushed it around a lot, so it's not easy to tell exactly how much.
Still, at least we don't live in Oswego Co, where they've had 11 feet or more of snow in the past 10 days to 2 weeks.
The sheep are fine of course. They just want their hay and grain and water and they don't mind the weather at all.

Comment from: Sue

Enjoying your website. More pictures please!
I was born in Upstate and lived there part of my life. I remember the weather and still have family on the Canadian border. I am really really glad I don’t have to feed my animals in the snow. It’s bad enough at 29 with the wind that we are having. Yuk. I feel for you. At least you haven’t had to shovel snow off your roof yet –or at least you didn’t say you did :-)