Comment from: Ken

Comment from: karen

Thank you! Yes it is. My parents came over yesterday to help pack and do some fix-ups the buyers wanted. Well, I think I packed two small boxes, and my stepmom packed something like 15. My dad and I worked on a few of the fixes. Here’s hoping YOUR house will sell quickly!
Comment from: Lori

Hooray! Good to know you’ll finally make the move. OK, Mixie is probably the cutest thing on four feet! We’ll adopt her if you find her to be too much. In fact we have some teens…. maybe we could trade?? There’s a tweenager living here…he’s still cute….
Comment from: Lori

Oh! I have a Mixie haiku!
Mixie eating straw
Her coat looks like straw as well
Isn’t she so sweet?
Yay Spring! Finally, too, from the sounds and sights of it. ‘Grats on the selling the former house, that must be some relief!