Comment from: Ken
Sound like lessons derived from _Atlas Shrugged_ by Ayn Rand, which I’ve read recently. But perhaps her philosophy derived from someone else.
Comment from: karen
It’s all such common sense stuff, that I’m sure many have expressed similar ideas over the years.
Comment from: Jack Moeller
Hello Karen,
I agree completely with “The Ten Cannots".
I have been enjoying reading through your blog for some time now so I thought I would tell you about a homesteading, emergency preparedness, and survival forum that I am a member of, www.PreparedSociety.com.
It has a ton of great information on simple and frugal living, green living, financial insight, gardening, livestock, food storage, natural health and medicine, and much more!
I’m sure the members of the forum would love to hear from you! It’s free and easy to sign up.
Hope to see you there!
Oh, you find such good stuff! Maybe I’ll use it for awhile as an email signature. Thanks.